Today was a Teacher Work Day so we didn't have to teach today. All the BYU student teachers in Jordan District met for a seminar on teaching instead of going to our schools. We took time out of the seminar to watch the Inauguration events. What an amazing experience. I don't think I've ever seen one live. President Obama sure knows how to speak to people. As teachers we talked about how it is our job to honor the office of President even if we don't agree with what the office holder is doing. The job as President is such a hard job it deserves respect. I am excited for Obama's presidency. I have never really understood or cared for politics but as I move into the big real world as an adult I think I need to change my thinking and get involved and educated on what is going on in Washington. This is my country after all.
PS if you want a silly children's book to read about the job of the president read THE KID WHO BECAME PRESIDENT. It is hilarious and my students all love it.
2 months ago